Monday 6 December 2010

Artist Research: Andy Potts

I spent a lot of time today looking at the work of Andy Potts. His style is very vibrant and freeflowing with lots of elements blended together or layered over each other which creates so much detail you can spend ages looking at his art. But not too much detail it all seems cluttered, the balance seems just right.

I love how the colours work so well together. If i tried something like this they would just clash and look like a 3 year olds first attempt at finger painting. He obviously has a great understanding of what colours work together and what ones don't.
The picture above shows a slightly different style of his, perhaps some of his earlier work. It still looks amazing and you can tell a lot of thought goes into it all.

 Potts has produced work for some big names, including Microsoft, IBM and the BBC. You can see why, his work is so eye catching and creative it is the perfect way to advertise.

I could easily stare at his website for hours going through his work for hours, so i will.

Edit: The blog doesn't seem to like very wide photos so i had to scale them all down

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