Sunday 14 November 2010


Here are some of my initial sketches and ideas for my album covers.

My first idea is my favourite and i think the most effective. It's composed of a photograph of a man standing in the street, with road signs (mainly restrictive ones) photoshopped into the scene to represent the chaos and frustration of modern/urban life.
 My next idea is pretty basic and the first thing i thought of when choosing the album. Simply a close up of the next of a guitar with a pick wedged into the strings having the title of the album photoshopped onto it. It doesn't have much meaning or narrative and is the simplist idea.
 My next idea is quite literal of the album title and not one of my favourites. The photo would be of a person playing guitar to the scene of a city below, with photoshopped elements to create a more grungy urban feel.
My final idea is probably the hardest. Basically i will shoot a photo of a person sitting in the street with his guitar and amp, possibly busking, and using another shot of a studio scene make it look as if the original shot was set up in the studio. The idea behind this being that part of the struggle of modern life is not knowing what is real and what is fake (or what is true and what is not)

I generated these ideas while listening to the album and these are the themes and feelings i picked up upon. The next step will be to refine the ideas and do some test shoots and see what kind of results i can get in photoshop.


1 comment:

  1. You shoulda used one of the sketches as the album cover! voila, done! :D
